Monthly Archives: October 2015

Welcome to my EPortfolio


List the top three things that inspire you intellectually.

  1. Travel
  2. Books
  3. Photography

Explain how you visually represented each of these three things.

  1. I put pictures of different geographic locations, including my favorite city to visit, Washington D.C.
  2. I put the word, “books,” and also a picture of one of my favorite books, The Fault In Our Stars.
  3. I put the word, “pictures,” and also different pictures that I thought were really cool.

List the top three things that you care about locally

  1. The holidays
  2. Dogs
  3. Following your passions

 Explain how you visually represented each of these three things.

  1. A Christmas tree and a “tis the season” quote, because the holidays are important to my family and I, especially Christmas.
  2. Pictures of dogs, because my dog is very important to me and my family.
  3. A quote that says “chase your dreams,” because I have been raised in a very positive environment where I have always been encouraged to do just that.

List the top three things that matters to you globally

  1. Childhood cancer
  2. World hunger
  3. Racial discrimination

Explain how you visually represented each of these three things.

  1. The word cancer with a red line crossing it out and an inspirational quote from a parent of a child with cancer about not letting cancer stop the child.
  2. The logo from an organization that helps prevent child hunger
  3. A “we can’t breathe” poster from the protests last year after the death of Eric Garner.