Mickey Mouse Blog Post

The artist I imitated for the Mickey Mouse project is named Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and the painting is The Big Way. The Big Way was painted in 1955 in France. Hundertwasser lived from December 15, 1928 to February 19, 2000. The original painting was made of Polyvinyl acetate on two strips of canvas, primed with chalk, zinc white, and fish glue, and sewn together. The Big Way demonstrates the emotions of the artist. I am a big fan of the painting because I like how it’s made of squares and circles layered. I like modern art and I love the color choice and the mixture of colors. My version of the painting is clearly inspired by The Big Way but the color mixtures and layering was hard for me to emulate, and to get the smooth but layered look.  I didn’t have a chance to add a global issue into the painting.IMG_9801.JPG

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