Author Archives: summerabrahamgcva

Mickey Mouse Blog Post

The artist I imitated for the Mickey Mouse project is named Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and the painting is The Big Way. The Big Way was painted in 1955 in France. Hundertwasser lived from December 15, 1928 to February 19, 2000. The original painting was made of Polyvinyl acetate on two strips of canvas, primed with chalk, zinc white, and fish glue, and sewn together. The Big Way demonstrates the emotions of the artist. I am a big fan of the painting because I like how it’s made of squares and circles layered. I like modern art and I love the color choice and the mixture of colors. My version of the painting is clearly inspired by The Big Way but the color mixtures and layering was hard for me to emulate, and to get the smooth but layered look.  I didn’t have a chance to add a global issue into the painting.IMG_9801.JPG

Mural Project

1. What specific actions did you do to work collaboratively to help contribute to the unity of the overall mural? What did you learn from our mural making process?

I worked with the people whose squares surrounded mine to have a united piece by lining our pieces up while drawing parts that we all shared so the lines matched up. We shared colors so that the shades matched up and were unified. We measured the width of the windows, so that all of them would be the same size. I learned how important it is to have the colors be the same for it to look unified.


2. Critique the mural that you contributed to in terms of content, use of color and over all impact. What makes it successful or what makes this weak. What suggestions do you have for improving this project?

I think the mural I worked on was successful overall. I wish the students could have helped more to design it because we got to put idea pictures in a google doc, but I didn’t see any of the pictures my class suggested in the actual mural. I really liked how there were repeating colors throughout the mural.


Grid Self Portrait Blog



The part of my drawing that most lets people identify me is the eyes and eyelashes and the way the shadows is on my nose. There is a “lip” on the bottom of my eye which many people have told me help them identify the picture as a picture of me. Also, the eyebrows’ relation to my eye is distinct enough to be identifiable.

Perspective Drawing Blog

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I think the perspective in this drawing shows more through the shading. After drawing the pencil lines with the angles, I could see what we were trying to do and what the piece would look like. However, the shading gives the drawing more perspective, and allows sharp, crisp, and clear lines to be displayed. The shading is more essential to the perspective aspect of the piece, but the angles are what pulls it together and makes it look clean. Overall, the shading and angles were both important parts of this project, but in retrospect I think the shading did a better job of showing perspective.

Tile and Mosque Designs

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How did the tile design assignment prepare you for the mosque façade?

The tile design assignment prepared me for the mosque facade because it was an opportunity to learn how to use photoshop and having less of an opportunity to mess up the entire project. If you mess up, you can easily go back and you can try lots of designs in a short period of time.
What keyboard shortcuts saved you the most time?
Command E and Command J were the most helpful while making the mosque, because I had a lot of repetitive patterns and I was able to merge it so I could copy and paste it, saving me time.
What were the advantages and disadvatanges in working in a digital medium in contrast to one of the other mediums we have explored?
Advantages to working in a digital medium is that we can try many different designs in a short amount of time. A disadvantage is that everyone is at a very different level concerning computer ability, so it takes some people much longer than others.
How could this assignment change to have student’s work look different from one another?
This assignment could be changed to have student’s work look different from one another by having the student design their own mosque template, or having several different mosque templates and letting students choose which they want to use.
Describe how the color is used in this piece.
Color is used as a unifying element in this piece. Variants of the same color are used throughout out the three different tiles and the background colors. Mosques that used the colors from the tiles in the design for the background look more together than those that used other colors.

Chinese Landscape Painting


What aspect of this project did you find to be most enjoyable?

The aspect I found most enjoyable was learning all the different brush strokes. I had a lot of trouble, especially with Tsun, but once I got the hang of it, it was fun to make pages full of brushstrokes. I really liked doing the Tien brushstroke for the leaves of the trees.

What aspect of this project did you find to be most challenging?

The aspect of this project I found most challenging was doing the wash for the fog. I messed up a lot on my first few, but once I figured out how to make the ink gradually fade out, it was a lot easier.

Greek Roundel


My goddess is the Goddess of Celebration. She represents the 21st century values because everyone is under a lot of pressure from society to do well and she helps us to relax and enjoy ourselves. My goddess is wearing a graduation cap and gown, holding a diploma and is jumping in the air. Graduation is one of the most celebrated occasions and the “jump and freeze” pose is well known from the popular Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical as an indicator of celebration. In this project, I learned that when transferring a photo to a larger sheet of paper, it helps to divide both papers into quadrants and to start with the bigger shapes and then to work on the details. I learned to use the ruler to make boxes for each of my letters so that the spacing is even and to draw text guidelines to make sure my writing is not slanted. I also used how to use and exact-o-knife to have more precision than normal scissors allow for. My art-making skills have grown from this project because I have learned to keep my handwriting neat even if I have to write in a large font. I have learned to use an exact-o-knife.

Welcome to my EPortfolio


List the top three things that inspire you intellectually.

  1. Travel
  2. Books
  3. Photography

Explain how you visually represented each of these three things.

  1. I put pictures of different geographic locations, including my favorite city to visit, Washington D.C.
  2. I put the word, “books,” and also a picture of one of my favorite books, The Fault In Our Stars.
  3. I put the word, “pictures,” and also different pictures that I thought were really cool.

List the top three things that you care about locally

  1. The holidays
  2. Dogs
  3. Following your passions

 Explain how you visually represented each of these three things.

  1. A Christmas tree and a “tis the season” quote, because the holidays are important to my family and I, especially Christmas.
  2. Pictures of dogs, because my dog is very important to me and my family.
  3. A quote that says “chase your dreams,” because I have been raised in a very positive environment where I have always been encouraged to do just that.

List the top three things that matters to you globally

  1. Childhood cancer
  2. World hunger
  3. Racial discrimination

Explain how you visually represented each of these three things.

  1. The word cancer with a red line crossing it out and an inspirational quote from a parent of a child with cancer about not letting cancer stop the child.
  2. The logo from an organization that helps prevent child hunger
  3. A “we can’t breathe” poster from the protests last year after the death of Eric Garner.